Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Once Upon A Time, Life Really Sucked.

So, yeah.

After yesterday's query-whoring adventure, a total of 7 different agencies have my cover-letter (I guess I lied in that first post). They are:

-Anne McDermid & Associates
-Artists and Artisans Inc.
-Jane Rotrosen Literary Agency
-Andrea Brown Literary Agency
-the Amy Rennert Agency
-Victoria Sanders & Associates
-RLR Literary Agency
-Levine Greenberg agency

My inbox, however, tells an entirely-different story. Every day, I check my emails several times, hoping for a change in development, but all I get is junk-mail- even that's a stretch, since it seems that even the spam-gods aren't interested in sending me anything.

The only email I've gotten in the last few months (that was totally worth-opening) was the one with the cute pictures of my nephew, Joshua- he's a total cutie, and I could write a book about the many reasons that he is the sweetest baby ever. Perhaps said book would garner a better response than this one has thus far.

Now, for some cheesy pop-music to make it all better!

"I can almost see it-
that dream I'm dreaming,
but there's a voice inside my head saying,
"you'll never reach it".

Every step I'm taking,
every move I make feels
lost with no direction.
My faith is shaken,

but I've gotta keep trying;
gotta keep my head held high..."


I just quoted Miley Cyrus lyrics.
Shoot me. NOW.

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